education matters
A notebook LM generated bioliteracy podcast


Go ahead and teach the controversy, that is the best way
to understand (defend) science


A bioliteracy blog post: Go ahead and “teach the controversy:” it is the best way to defend science.

Barnes, M. E., & Brownell, S. E. (2016). Practices and perspectives of college instructors on addressing religious beliefs when teaching evolutionCBE—Life Sciences Education15, ar18.

Barnes, M. E., & Brownell, S. E. (2017). A call to use cultural competence when teaching evolution to religious college students: introducing religious cultural competence in evolution education (ReCCEE)CBE—Life Sciences Education16, es4.

Nehm, R. H., & Reilly, L. (2007). Biology majors' knowledge and misconceptions of natural selectionBioScience57, 263-272.

